中国語の「鶏肉」と「筋肉」の発音はまったく同じ❣ 中国語の同音異義語編!lion and louse Chinese! The pronunciation is the same?!

Hello, everyone!
I’m Mimi, an independent Chinese and English teacher in Tokyo.
Chinese learning Video Updates Everyday at 7:00am(HSK) and 7:00pm. Please check out.

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▼Chinese Live Streaming EVERY Wednesday Night 7:00(Japan)

In one minute, we will learn Chinese vocabulary, grammar, practical conversation, and in the future, I will make 10-minute videos to teach you about Chinese culture. I look forward to your attendance!

▼プレイリスト Channel playlists
1分間中国語会話/1 minute Chinese conversation

よく使う中国語フレーズ/Chinese daily use sentences for beginners

ゼロから【中国語】HSK1級単語+例文❤HSK 1 vocabulary list includes 150 required vocabulary words and phrases.

中国語HSK2文法の基本をマスターしよう – HSK 2 grammar points 💖Learn Basic Chinese Grammar

初級レベル【HSK3 単語と例文】初級中国語 HSK 3 words + useful sentences

HSK4級 文法+例文 HSK4 Useful sentences

中国語で歌おう/Let’s sing together in Chinese

本格中華料理/Chinese food lovers

中国語の発音練習動画 Chinese pronunciation test

読む聴く覚えるHSK6レベル Reading and remembering


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